Dear Sevens,

Okay. People. You should know the drill by now. It is time for some SEVEN questions. You know, that time of the week where I get to do two of my favorite things. Talk about myself and ramble on and on about everything I think in the whole world. Let's start with a picture shall we? One night Sarah and I took about 340 photos while waiting to go to a birthday party. We liked this one. Sarah said I look like Dobby.
1. Who is your celebrity doppelganger?
Apparently, thanks to My Heritage, I look like Christie Brinkley and Emma Stone. I don't see it. Anyone else got another doppelganger for me to pick from? All suggestions are welcome.
2. What's the farthest you've ever been from home?
Umm... let us see. that would have to be Italy. I am sure my Mom is reading this, please correct me if I am wrong.
3. Fill in the blank: Fall ______.
is my VERY MOST FAVORITE season of all time in the whole world because that means all the leaves change to gorgeous colors, I get to wear boots, scarves, and cardigans, and I get to drink hot chocolate all the time!
4. Would you rather have arms so long they touched the ground or feet the same length as your legs?
Arms so long that they touched the ground. I would never have to get out of bed to turn of the lights or get something I forget again. Plus. When in public just fold them or place them in a position that makes them look shorter. Cute shoes never would look cute with feet that big.
5. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Check my phone (or ask Adam) to see what time it is and decide if I can sleep for a little longer. Usually, the answer is yes. For at least three more minutes.
6. Apple Cider or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate. Always hot chocolate. Especially if it has some caramel and whip cream.
And it is salted.
And made at Starbucks.
Or made at home because that is cheaper.
7. Would you rather start your life over (baby) or jump to the end of it (old-->death)?
If I jumped to the end would I just miss out on everything? And if I started at baby would I still get to marry Adam? I would pick death, just to make sure I still got to marry Adam. That is more important. Plus. I don't need any do overs.
Welp. That's about it.
Who do you think my doppleganger is? Because now I want to know...
Have you entered the birthmonth giveaway?
If I jumped to the end would I just miss out on everything? And if I started at baby would I still get to marry Adam? I would pick death, just to make sure I still got to marry Adam. That is more important. Plus. I don't need any do overs.
Welp. That's about it.
Who do you think my doppleganger is? Because now I want to know...
Have you entered the birthmonth giveaway?