Dear Sarah Bevan,
Sarah Scissor Cut, Navy Wolverine, Thing 1, and my dear dear bestie... I wish thee a HAPPY birthday. Welcome to the 23 club... the year in which we represent Michael Jordan's number. Welcome to a year in which you feel like you are older but you are still treated like a child. Where you are old enough to do almost anything you want except rent a car. Welcome to a day of celebration... and I mean SERIOUS celebration since I am coming home toooo-niiiiiight! Wuzzzzup baby!?
Okay. But above all things. Let me honor you this day with all the good you have brought in my life. All the laughter, the inside jokes, the tears, the stories... Thank you for giving me a reason to steal a Lion King head scarf to clean up a mess. Thank you for being the one person that will always, without fail, accompany on a 9 Beans run! Thank you for your good nature and your reminder of what true friendship is. Thank you for letting me call you for no reason. Thank you for letting me text you one word and you know exactly what I mean. Thank you for understanding what I am saying by just looking at my face. Thank you for being so cute and trendy all the time. Thank you for dressing up every year for Halloween with me... and for going trick or treating even though we were seniors. Thank you for always singing duets with me, on key and off key, as well as singing to the people walking on the streets. Thank you for reminding me of my value when I am down in the dumps. Thank you for taking pictures with me always... and making them funny. Thank you for being my friend through it all.
I appreciate the woman you are. Always strong in your ways and never wavering. I am grateful to have a friend that is so firm and strong and doesn't take crap from anyone! A woman that is comfortable in her own skin. A good daughter and an even better sister. I admire the way you are with people. Everyone wants to be around you because of your attitude and spunk. I am grateful for a friend that doesn't hold onto the bad times and only looks for the good times. You are an incredible women. And I am lucky to have been with you through it all. I love you so much Sarah Bevan, and I am lucky to call you my best friend. The BEST best friend a girl could ever ask for. Happy birthday to you and many happy memories ahead!