Dear Crafter Inside,
I knew your craftiness was just waiting to come back out. First
baseball bracelets, then
printables, and now a bookshelf. Heck, I'm not even mad... that's amazing! (Name the movie.) I am glad some of my friends have their own homes with their own furniture so I can help them in decorating things and making them cute. I cannot wait for my own home so I can decorate and be crafty to my own desire to make my house a home.
White bookshelves that you put together yourself are nice. But they are better when you make them cute. So we covered Cassidy and James' bookshelf in old book pages. Cute, yeah?
Now really... Love,
White bookshelves that you put together yourself are nice. But they are better when you make them cute. So we covered Cassidy and James' bookshelf in old book pages. Cute, yeah?
P.S. Oh... and thank you
Haleigh for my new artwork. One for winning and one just in case.