I'm Deidre (Dee-druh) Miller. I believe in creating community, I believe in finding your own strength and confidence every day, I believe your vibe attracts your tribe, and I believe we are all meant to build something unique to our skills and experiences.

My full time gig is running this business so on a lot of days you will find me working and networking so I can create a community for humans just like you. there is nothing I love more than helping my tribe find their style, their voice, and their confidence.

I work with men and women that want to change their lives and the world!

If I am not out running my business, I am probably out running something else. I like to keep busy! I am the head coach for a local high school dance team, a tap teacher at a studio in the area, a reality TV junkie, and a social influencer. I am always ready for an adventure or a trip. I will always stop for a tasty bev or a sweet treat. And I believe that a little glitter can fix almost anything.

Above it all my favorite thing to do is uplift, motivate, and inspire. I feel like my calling in life is to make big things happen for myself and for those around me. We've all got something big to offer.

If you quit, the world will be missing what you alone can bring to it!