Deidre Miller

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The Godhead

Don't mind the spelling and grammar errors, this was just a guideline so I didn't something out once my nerves for the best of me. And if you have ANY questions, do not hesitate.

Growing up in Twin Falls, Idaho I went to school with a lot of non-LDS kids. I know normally when you hear Idaho, the thought is “an extension of Utah”…in my school we were lucky enough to have release time seminary, but LDS students didn’t make up the majority of the school. I can remember countless times in which I had gospel discussion with my show choir friends. A lot of those discussions included the Godhead and why we thought there were three people instead of one incredible being. I brought up a lot of examples in those discussions like Jesus Christ’s baptism in which the Father spoke the Holy Ghost came as a dove, or when Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith, but none of those really seemed to be enough sway for my friends. 

I have always known what I know, and that was enough. The first article of faith is something I never questioned. But it was interesting to me to think about how God, our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are three separate beings and how each of them has influenced my life personally and individually.

Elder Hales said, “ I know with surety that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live. The Atonement is real. God the Father and Jesus Christ are distinct, separate, immortal beings. They know us as individuals, and They hear and answer our sincere prayers. The Savior testified to the inhabitants of the New World, “I bear record of the Father, and the Father beareth record of me, and the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and me.”  1   The Holy Ghost has testified to me that these things are true.”
The three of them are a team, and together they create the greatest protection and love for each of us.

Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is a divine gift. The Holy Ghost is a separate and individual personage of Spirit to help guide and protect, as well as remind us of the Light of Christ that each one of us has. The Holy Ghost is a distinct member of the Godhead. Joseph B. Wirthlin said, “H e is a witness or testifier of the power of God, the divinity of Christ, and the truth of the restored gospel. Many throughout history in all nations have sought diligently to commune with the heavens and gain the light of gospel truth. They have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost confirm the truth of the gospel.”
I love that the Holy Ghost is called a gift. It reminds me that the Holy Ghost is only available to me when I accept it. He is constantly waiting for me to be prepared and ready, he wants to help. Scriptures warn us that the Spirit of the Lord will “not always strive with man.” It is up to me whether or not he will. His gift cannot be taken for granted.

There have been a lot of times when I just “feel right” about something. And I often like to think I am the smart, doing the right thing. But when I look back on things I realize that it was the Holy Ghost planting seeds and preparing a way for me. One example is me being in this ward. I was getting ready to sign a new contract for the year. I was looking here at UAC, in South Provo, and at Lanai. Multiple times signs pointed to UAC but I was getting impatient looking for contacts and signed in South Provo. I had started moving my things in when I got a sick feeling. I shouldn’t be moving there. I called my landlord and asked if there was any way I could break the contract. He told me if we could find someone to sign he would reimburse me for any day she paid for the month. We found someone quickly. I started looking at UAC again and there happened to be one opening. I called and signed that next day and moved in. Moving here felt right. And now after 8 month in my apartment, a fiancé, my roommate Linda, and making so many new friends I understand why. I am glad I was in the right mind set to listen to the Holy Ghost even if it took signing and breaking a contract. That is just one simple example and I could tell you hundreds more.

Jesus Christ

George Albert Smith said, “On one occasion he spoke at a Church meeting in Cardston, Canada, about the life and mission of  Christ. The next morning he went to the railway station to buy a train ticket. While he waited in line, he overheard a conversation between a woman and the ticket agent. The woman mentioned that the evening before she had decided to attend a Latter-day Saint worship service.
The ticket agent looked surprised. “My goodness,” she said. “You do not mean to say you went to church there.”
“Yes, I did,” the woman answered. “Why not?”
The ticket agent said, “They do not even believe in Jesus Christ.”
Then the woman replied, “Only last night I listened to one of the elders of the Church speaking of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, and I have never heard anybody who seemed more profoundly impressed with a knowledge that Jesus was indeed the Christ, than the speaker on that occasion.”
I was trying to best think about how to explain Jesus Christ and how he differs from Heavenly Father. He came to Earth, he lives and died for us, he taught so many the truths. There are so many things I could say. And there are so many examples of how the LDS church loves and believes in him. But then, Adam showed me an article about an 8 year olds perspective on God. His way of describing Jesus is a lot quicker than mine. The little boy said, “ "Jesus is God's son. He used to do all the hard work like walking on water and performing miracles and trying to teach people who didn't want to learn about God. They finally got tired of Him preaching to them and they crucified Him. But He was good and kind like His Father and He told His Father that they didn't know what they were doing and to forgive them and God said OK.”

Jesus Christ is my Savior. There is not much more I can say besides I am so grateful for a brother who was willing to live and die for me. Doctrine and Covenants 110:3-4 reads “I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father”. He still lives today and He is constantly helping me prepare for great things. I am grateful for the atonement. I am grateful for the protections I have through what my brother, Jesus Christ, did for me, and for the advocate he will be in the last day.
Heavenly Father

When I think of Heavenly Father I am instantly taken back to the primary song, “Jesus Entered Jordan’s Waters.” There are four versus, one about Jesus’ baptism, one about Jesus visiting the Nephites, one about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ visiting Joseph Smith, and one about reading the scriptures. All four versus end in God saying, “This is my beloved Son. Hear him.” Those words are more important to me now than they have ever been. I know that God is not only Jesus Christ’s Heavenly Father, He is mine as well.

That knowledge has become more important to me as I have learned to stand on my own two feet and strong in my own testimony. For two summers I was an EFY counselor, and I remember the day I realized my worth in God’s eyes. I had spent the first half of the summer dipping my toes into every lesson and trying to be the funny counselor. I was really worried about being the “best counselor”. I didn’t want to be the counselor that couldn’t help her girls, that couldn’t answer questions, and that wasn’t fun. I always was seconding guessing my knowledge in the gospel and my own abilities. I remember one day during the Young Women activity receiving an overwhelming feeling. An overwhelming feeling that I was worth a lot more than I was giving myself credit for.

Heavenly Father was taking the time to tell me I was his daughter. It seemed funny to me hearing that, “You are my daughter,” because in my head I was thinking… yeah I know, every week in young women I recited “We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us and we love Him.” But the second I said that to myself I was reminded you said it but did you know it? And at that moment I knew it was true. And that is a feeling I can turn to whenever I want because it still is as strong in my heart as it was three summers ago.

I am a daughter of God. I have worth. I have great worth. He loves and cares for me and He wants the best things for me. He gives me opportunities and trials daily to make me a better person. He sent His son, my brother, Jesus Christ to this Earth to pave a path for me. He wants me to learn and grow. He wants me to succeed. Jesus Christ is my Savior. He died for my on the cross so that I could live with agency and with choice. He is my brother and he is my friend. He lived and died for me. But not just for me, for every single one of us. The Holy Ghost is real and he will help when you let him. He is a voice of concern and a reminder of the light we each have within us. Together our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost make the greatest team of love and protection. I feel so lucky and I feel so blessed to have knowledge of these three individuals and all they offer me. I have a testimony that I am a daughter of God. I am a sister of Jesus Christ.