Deidre Miller

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Just How Boring

I wanted to do an Instalife post to sum up all the things I have been doing. But then I realize just how boring my life is without Adam. Do I sound like a broken record talking about Adam being gone? Well. Sorry. Because my record is broken. Because I do the same thing every day when he is gone. One Tree Hill. Unless I am going to Idaho for a wedding. But that is about as unique as it gets people. So here is a smaller version of Instalife to sum up my last few weeks.

feeling fiesty in my animal print // found my keys and my Jesus - autocorrect win // my bestie and me
leaving Idaho skies for smog // HI ADAM! // Adam eating crawfish
my besite and her hubs with Adam at LSU // sleepover with the pup // rhinestoned and 5 inches

So basically it goes me dressing in clothing to go to work. Leaving work for a trip to Idaho. Spending time in with friends and family. Adam on the road. Me on the road. Sending text photos back and forth. Sleepover with my puppy to keep my company. And then I bought some ridiculously AWESOME shoes to make up for not having anyone to share a bed with for about 10 days. Sweet. What have you been up to? What do you do when you are home alone? And.... what do you think of my new shoes?
