Deidre Miller

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Dear Weekenders,

Guess what? It's the weekend. And we ALL love the weekend. At least... I would hope you do, because I would question you if you didn't. How are you planning on celebrating the weekend? Well. To get everyone pumped for a few days off from school and work, I am starting the weekender linkup.

Not really rules... because who follows rules on the weekend?!


Post a photo from last weekend [if you have one].
Tell us what you are looking forward to this weekend.
Grab a button for your blog.
Link up.
Celebrate in everyone's weekend plans!

Last weekend was my birthday. Adam played baseball. I watched (in my new Miller jersey) and wore a crown and huge buttons thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis.

This weekend it going to be AWESOME. Our plans are as follows...
  • First of all. It is BYU Homecoming. BYU vs Oregon football game. Wish us look with both of our QBs being injured. I have faith that something will work out. 
  • Adam also has a test, so that will give me plenty of time to relax and watch GG. 
  • We have been toying with the idea of a haunted house, Castle of Chaos is RIGHT down the street... but we might save that for closer to the Halloween holiday.
  • Figure out our Halloween costumes. We have a few ideas. But we need to finalize it this weekend before all the parties start. I love Halloween.
  • We will most likely spend a portion of the weekend with Madison and Drew because... we are always with them.
  • Fall photo shoot? Adam doesn't know I want to do that yet.
  • Adam feels bad that I spent my birthday watching baseball and then not seeing him while he attended Priesthood session of conference, so we are re-celebrating my birthday. He said he has lots of "birthday surprises" planned. In other words, he doesn't know what we are doing yet so he is pretending he has awesome things. But yes. A re-birthday. Which means another yummy dinner. Any ideas where we should go?

Grab the button and link up!


Now go on. Have a WONDERFUL weekend.
