Deidre Miller

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Dear Movie Monday,

So you might remember my post from awhile ago about Send Something Good... If not, that is fine. Here is a quick explanation of it, straight from the mouth of the creator.

It's going to be a little different this time around. Instead of having a "partner" it's going to be round robin. Everyone will have a different blogger that they're assigned to "get to know" kind of like a secret sister. Read their blog, find out their interests, email back and forth, but don't tell them WHY. When shopping for your blogger, take into account not only their interests, but things that are specific to your area of the world.

This project is ALL about bringing us together, making friends all over the world, and learning something new about somewhere you've never been. This doesn't require you to spend a lot of money. Get personal in what you include in your package. Maybe a favorite book that you don't mind passing on, a necklace you made, a package of seeds from your favorite flower, or a friendship bracelet! You also don't have to have a blogger from a different country. I know that can get expensive. So just specify your preference when you sign up. 

Well my package came! And here is my Monday movie to let you all see the goodies which I enjoyed!

Music:  My Favorite Things by Tony Bennett

Thank you so much to Autumn over at The Pickled Poppy. The package was perfect and the best way to end a busy weekend of traveling, baseball, and sunburns. 
