Deidre Miller

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Brother Bott

Well. Many of you have heard of Brother Bott. He teaches mission prep and Doctrine and Covenants here at BYU. He is the number one ranked professor on He is an amazing man with great insight. I decided it was time to talk to him and get some advice, just advice, no emotions attached. After a long discussion our conversation led into other things. Eventually we ended up on fears. He told me a quote, by President Hunter, and I loved it.

"Let us not take council from our fears."

Then he followed up with 2 Timothy 1:7, his wife's favorite scripture, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

It was such a great reminder. So often fear takes a toll on my appearance and performance. Brother Bott helped me remember that Satan gives fear. Heavenly Father doesn't; He wants me to feel power and love no matter. Why would I let Satan's fear council what I do?

So now I wont. And I will stay strong and confident.